A New Partnership!

Denis Coleman will be running Extended DISC training under our banner in Ireland, he will also be facilitating our MA programme (Masters in Applied Coaching) in due course. In addition The Performance Solution will be supporting Denis’ business; InnoChan Solutions, with the accreditation of Coaching courses. So with this in mind we have asked Denis to give us an insight into his journey in becoming a coach…..

Coach, Mentor & Behavioural Change Consultant

The last few years have seen a dramatic change in my work and in my outlook. In 2007, I was introduced to the world of Coaching when my employer (the last one I had) decided to contract an Executive Coach for his senior team (of which I was one). These sessions really opened my eyes. I realised that there was another way to deal with my workload. I was struck by the calmness and focus of the coach.

In 2008, I found myself in need of more coaching and, never one to do things by half, I decided to do a Coaching course rather than just attend a coach. It changed my life. In fact, it had such a dramatic effect that within a few months of obtaining my Diploma, I had left the role of employee and set up my own business. My focus was to bring my growing skills to people with a desire to help people just as I had been helped by coaching. I also wanted to pursue my desire and interest in educating and training others.

Since then, it has been a race to the bottom to gather more information and more qualifications. I started my MA in Coaching & NLP. That opened my eyes to just how much I didn’t actually know. The MA lead me to the world of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Non-verbal Communication. I obtained special awards at Honours and Masters degree level in EI (including certification in the Bar-On and iWAM EI test methods). I also obtained certification in Extended DISC behavioural analysis and certification in Advanced Micro-expression. Phew!!

But it hasn’t ended there. I have continued with courses in iWAM trainer certification, Certification in Subtle Expression recognition, Higher Professional Skills certification in coaching, finishing the Masters and next year I will be completing the process with university accredited NLP Trainer certification.

Undertaking all this training while trying to set up a new company probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do and to be honest it has been hard to ‘share’ my focus between my own development plans and the development of my company.

Over the last few months, I decided to re-launch my business. Now that most of my courses are in the final stages, I believe I now have something worth selling. I have been strengthening myself, my knowledge and my service offering over the last few years and I am now ready to take them to market. My courses and experience have helped me to clarify who I am and what I do. My focus has become laser sharp, my resolve to succeed has become unbreakable. These changes, I believe, are mostly due to the level of training and development I have pursued since I first started the Coaching Diploma in 2008.

Watch out world…here I come!!

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1 Comment

  1. disc training ireland on 26th January 2012 at 8:45 am

    Good Post Denis.. love to read the post about disc training.

    Thanks for the great post

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