Psychological Safety: The Strategic Role of Failure Management in Modern Workplaces

In today’s rapidly evolving work environment, characterized by constant change and growing complexity, failure is inevitable. Traditionally, failure has been perceived negatively, often leading to the abandonment of projects and ideas. This outdated perception hinders innovation and growth. In my approach to execution, acknowledging the possibility of not achieving set objectives is crucial for any…

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Antifragility serves you a favour

Each of us responds to adversity differently. There are those who react quickly, those who resist, those who adapt, those who protect themselves. To be stronger, ready to change and improve, it is essential to become anti-fragile. To understand the concept of antifragility, it is necessary to define its direct opposite: fragility. A system is…

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ICF Global Conference Week SALE!!

This week London will play host to ICF Global Conference 2012 so this year to celebrate ICF Global coming to the UK The Performance Solution are offering a 25% discount on our Higher Professional Coaching Certificate Level 1 (Part 1 ACTP) and Higher Professional Coaching Certificate Level 2 (Part 2 ACTP) Courses and a 15%…

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Masters in Applied Coaching…..UPDATE

As you are probably aware UK University fees are set to increase from Autumn 2012. So with that in mind our friends at Derby University have therefore suggested we bring forward the September enrolment for the MA in Applied Coaching to the end of July so that we can maintain this year’s rates for our…

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A New Partnership!

Denis Coleman will be running Extended DISC training under our banner in Ireland, he will also be facilitating our MA programme (Masters in Applied Coaching) in due course. In addition The Performance Solution will be supporting Denis’ business; InnoChan Solutions, with the accreditation of Coaching courses. So with this in mind we have asked Denis…

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A Training Opportunity Celebration!

A training opportunity to support you and celebrate the fact that ICF and EMCC jointly filed with the EU to be posted on the web site of self-regulated organizations. The Single Market Observatory (SMO) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has established the Self- and Co- Regulation Database. This database includes now European…

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This week the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) reported that the main reason for workers changing their employer was due the need for higher wages and better benefits. This is compared to the same poll last year in which job satisfaction was the key reason for workers wanting to change employers. So what…

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So you’re thinking about becoming a coach?

We get phonecalls all the time from people who are interested in becoming coaches and are being told hundreds of different things about what training to go for. Choosing a coach training course is so confusing! To help you make an informed decision about coach training, we have developed an impartial information pamphlet . Wherever…

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Virginia Satir Video

We’d like to share these videos of Virginia Satir, whose techniques formed the beginnings of NLP and have become great examples for those of us who practice change work with clients:

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Britain’s Got (graduate) Talent!

I know you’re very excited that Britain’s Got Talent will be back on our screens this Saturday. But this blog is about a kind of talent that you won’t see on stage, probably because watching a talented employee would be incredibly boring… maybe that’s why they go unnoticed! Britain (and come to think of it,…

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