Psychological Safety: The Strategic Role of Failure Management in Modern Workplaces

In today’s rapidly evolving work environment, characterized by constant change and growing complexity, failure is inevitable. Traditionally, failure has been perceived negatively, often leading to the abandonment of projects and ideas. This outdated perception hinders innovation and growth. In my approach to execution, acknowledging the possibility of not achieving set objectives is crucial for any…

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Transform Your Life: The Power of Conscious Choices

Decades ago, I experienced a profound shift in perspective that transformed my personal and professional life. This newfound clarity led to achievements and qualities I hadn’t known before, rooted in the understanding that every expression of a person is a choice. Evaluating the effects of our choices is a subsequent step; the key is recognizing…

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The courage to experiment

Success is a function of the number and quality of experiments you run, every year, every month, every day. It is crazy to believe that we can get there only thanks to good analysis and good planning at the first execution, without the learning achieved through the conceptualization that derives from observation and reflection on…

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Antifragility serves you a favour

Each of us responds to adversity differently. There are those who react quickly, those who resist, those who adapt, those who protect themselves. To be stronger, ready to change and improve, it is essential to become anti-fragile. To understand the concept of antifragility, it is necessary to define its direct opposite: fragility. A system is…

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