TPS’s partnership with University of Derby

We are often asked about the roles and responsibilities of our partnership programme where the University of Derby Corporate has established The Performance Solution as a collaborative partner of the University for the delivery of the following Higher Education programmes:


  • PG Certificate in Applied Coaching
  • PG Diploma in Applied Coaching
  • MA in Applied Coaching


These are fully accredited programmes of study, managed and delivered outside the university to allow the flexibility of study off campus and are therefore run under the partnership scheme and not in the same way as an internal programme. Holders of non-UK degree or other qualifications will be subject to the University’s normal entry procedures with regard to the assessment of the equivalence of qualifications. The Performance Solution (TPS) are responsible for checking the authenticity of such qualifications prior to formal University enrolment. Where qualifications are not HE qualifications and leaners wish to claim advanced standing or credit for modules, learners are required to put together an APL portfolio that maps and evidences their professional learning and experience to the learning outcomes of the modules that they wish to seek credit for.Where a candidate’s first language is not English, advanced English Language competence in the form of appropriate certificated learning (IELTS requirement of 7.0 or equivalent) must be demonstrated as detailed in the University of Derby Admission Regulations and these students may also be required to attend an additional English for Academic Purposes programme which will be undertaken at their own expense. All overseas non- EU students will need to provide relevant documentation to comply with the UK Border Agency Regulations if they intend to visit the UK, and copies must be provided to UDC and TPS on request.Selection to the course will be through completion of application form, and normally a face to face or telephone interview. The interview is a process of mutual selection: for applicants to discuss how the course meets their needs and the course team to judge their suitability for the course. Details of the interview are recorded in the TPS AcT database.


The Performance Solution (TPS) are responsible for the design, development, marketing, recruitment, delivery, supervision and first marking of the MA in Applied Coaching.  TPS will collect application information and paperwork and send to an administrator at UDC for enrolment. TPS will make available appropriate personnel to liaise with the University and provide all assistance and information to the University to enable the carrying out of agreed duties. Where students experience disabilities or personal difficulties TPS is the main contact point. TPS will arrange appropriate support for the students and will liaise with the University where necessary e.g. where an application for an extended period of study is felt to be appropriate. Lisa Wake (qualified and practising psychotherapist) will provide psychotherapeutic support and referral to specialists (at the student’s expense).  Jeremy Lazarus will provide performance coaching and motivational support, Dr Sally Vanson will provide support on academic standards. Dr Allan Parker will provide support on project and time management. It should be noted that in line with the philosophy of coaching and adult learning, all students are responsible for managing their study and resources, meeting agreed deadlines and submitting work as directed by their supervisors. Additional financial support through TPS or UDC is not available.

Students with disabilities or special needs are dealt with as individual cases and every effort will be made to accommodate their needs in accordance with current UK legislation and the philosophy of the programme of study. This will be managed by TPS for module attendance and marking and according to University protocols for attendance at any University events e.g. professional discussions or graduation ceremonies. This is a partnership programme so the usual avenues of learning support through the main university are not open to partnership students. Students are responsible for making their own arrangements in consultation with TPS.


The University of Derby Corporate (UDC) are responsible for the proper and efficient conduct of admission and registration procedures and the maintenance of accurate records of all students. UDC will quality assure the programme, initially second making all work, and provide an external examiner for the programme and have conduct of the assessment board, according to University regulations. Administrative and student support will be provided in accordance with University regulations for collaborative partner programmes. UDC will manage graduation and certification. TPS and UDC work together to review a shared Operational Manual and update a master version where changes are made.

For all enquiries and concerns, contact The Performance Solution direct:


Phone: 01225 867285

The Performance Solution

The Studio, The Old School House

Lower Westwood

Bradford on Avon

BA15 2AR

For all matters regarding academic content you should contact your supervisor. Students will have access to the digital library only, books cannot be sent out to students, SCONUL access and interlibrary loans are not permitted. Students may be able to enrol at their local university library and TPS will provide letters of introduction to confirm that students are enrolled on an HE programme, upon request. You will not receive a library or student card. Once you are enrolled you will also be given a contact at University of Derby Corporate who is responsible for any issues concerning University administration. You should only deal with this person when dealing with enrolment and eventual graduation.

University of Derby Corporate
University of Derby Enterprise Centre
37 Bridge Street
Derby. DE1 3LA


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