Psychological Safety: The Strategic Role of Failure Management in Modern Workplaces

In today’s rapidly evolving work environment, characterized by constant change and growing complexity, failure is inevitable. Traditionally, failure has been perceived negatively, often leading to the abandonment of projects and ideas. This outdated perception hinders innovation and growth. In my approach to execution, acknowledging the possibility of not achieving set objectives is crucial for any…

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Antifragility serves you a favour

Each of us responds to adversity differently. There are those who react quickly, those who resist, those who adapt, those who protect themselves. To be stronger, ready to change and improve, it is essential to become anti-fragile. To understand the concept of antifragility, it is necessary to define its direct opposite: fragility. A system is…

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Successful Female Leaders

Carina Furlong, a student on our MA Coaching programme is modelling successful female leaders. Having sent her the following article we thought we would share it with you; Women are often appointed leaders of some of the most successful companies in their most critical moments. Some well known examples are: the appointments of the prime…

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A Clean Language Demonstration

Some of our students have been asking to see a demonstration of clean language used purely. This one by Judy Rees is a nice example of a Clean Language session, we hope you enjoy it.

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New Year: Same Old You

Happy New Year everyone! When the clock struck midnight did you transform into the person that you’ve always wanted to be? No? How disappointing! Maybe you didn’t use enough fairy dust? … or the spell wasn’t quite right – you did say the magic words didn’t you? And you span round three times? Ok then…

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Five Firsts

Anyone will tell you that New Year’s Resolutions don’t stick. Remember when you bought that gym membership? (oh please don’t mention it!). So we’ve got a new idea for you. This is not about new year’s resolutions, this is something new and exciting to make 2011 a brilliant year for you and it is our…

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Setting Goals and Climbing mountains

While you may be used to chatting to me on the phone or seeing me in the office, us TPS folk are sometimes to be found in very different places! Last week I climbed my first official mountain! This had been a big goal for me for some time and standing on a rocky ridge…

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HSBC interviews Woman in Business Ceri Heathcote

We’re extremely proud that our old colleague Ceri Heathcote has been featured in HSBC’s Women in Business interviews. Here is their blog: This week’s Showcase features Ceri Heathcote who has successfully run Heathcote Communications and Online Fashion Marketing for two years. Over to you Ceri… How did you get started in online fashion marketing? I…

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