Posts Tagged ‘Coaching’
This week I wrote a guest Blog for Jeff Weigh’s Rise and Shine Blog. Just a few thoughts to get you thinking over your morning coffee. This morning I’m thinking about Hope. That old thing left in Pandora’s box. But instead of being the last out, I’m thinking about hope as the first. This was…
Read MoreWhich Coaching Organisation Should I Use?
There are so many coaching associations out there now that shopping for coaching services or for coach training is becoming a minefield of acronyms. Which organisation should you choose? How can you tell who represents what? How do you know that an accreditation is really worth its salt? To help with this confusion we pinpoint…
Read MoreNLP Works.. And Now We Have Proof!
Brought to us by: We know that NLP works, right? I am assuming your answer is a big resounding yes! And yet, whilst the popularity of, and general awareness around NLP is definitely on the up, there is still some skepticism about its credibility. Improving this public perception of NLP is something we are very…
Read MoreSetting Goals and Climbing mountains
While you may be used to chatting to me on the phone or seeing me in the office, us TPS folk are sometimes to be found in very different places! Last week I climbed my first official mountain! This had been a big goal for me for some time and standing on a rocky ridge…
Read MoreCoaching Super-Vision: Superman or Lex Luther?
What’s coaching supervision all about? Someone watching you, pointing out your mistakes and giving you a bad mark at the end of the session? Is it designed to restrict a coach’s freedom to coach in the way that they want to? Is it to create a mainstream coach, one size fits all? We’d love to…
Read MoreMore – Nic Askew
[LOWER THE LIGHTS – SWITCH OFF THE WORLD – PLAY FULL SCREEN] Following Julio Olalla’s talk about leading a good life at the AC conference, I was recommended this film entitled “More” by Nic Askew. It makes an interesting parallel with Julio’s talk, particularly the speaker’s end comments about being both content and striving for…
Read MoreAC Going Global Conference 2010 – Meg Thompson
Last Thursday and Friday, Allan and I attended the Association for Coaching Going global conference as exhibitors. We’d like to thank all the attendees who came for a chat at our stand and joined in with our coaching games. We had some great quotes, jokes and tips from coaches as well as some interesting chats.…
Read MoreICF portfolio Coach Mentoring
ICF portfolio Coach Mentoring. We are providing our first 15 clients with mentoring for their ACC and PCC credentials. Call 01225 867285 to join them and book your telephone, face to face or learning set mentoring support and join a global community of professional coaches.
Read MoreICF portfolio Coach Mentoring
ICF portfolio Coach Mentoring. We are providing our first 15 clients with mentoring for their ACC and PCC credentials. Call 01225 867285 to join them and book your telephone, face to face or learning set mentoring support and join a global community of professional coaches.
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