Meeting the president

Last week, I attended the International Coaching Federation meeting for Accredited Coach Training Providers. We were lucky enough to have the incoming president Ed Modell attend and listen to our points and answer our questions. The UK ICF president Katherine Pope took lots of photos and I’ll be posting some photos of me with the president soon! If there is any feedback you would like us to take to the ICF at the next meeting, we’d be very grateful if you could leave a comment for us here. After all, the ICF are representing coaches all over the world, they need to know what coaches are thinking!

It’s so inspiring to discuss coaching qualifications with a group of people who are dedicated to providing the best training we can. The ICF is working incredibly hard to improve the credibility and level of coach training throughout the world. Over the last 15 years they have committed themselves to carrying out extensive research in the field of coaching and we recommend that you look out for Coaching at Work over the next few months for the publication of some groundbreaking new research.

We would also like to urge you to book early for the ICF European conference if you interested in attending because there is currently a very-early bird rate that will end soon!

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