Guest Blog …..Day 8

Second to last day and everything is falling into place. This morning four delegates completed their assessment. This consists of an hour coaching session whilst viewed by three other delegates and assessor. After the session is over the other delegates and assessor give feedback, and both the coach and the coachee give their thought on how the session went.
The afternoon consisted of looking at Spiral Dynamics, before the course took place all delegates completed the Spiral Dynamics questionnaire so this was the point at which we all received feedback on our outcomes. It was quite interesting for me but at the same time I don’t know how taken by the psychometric I am, however many of the other delegates really related to the tool. But I think a bit more background research will be needed for me before I make my judgment.
The rest of the delegates including me are being assessed tomorrow, so it’s an early night for me. Fingers Crossed!

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