Transform Your Life: The Power of Conscious Choices

Decades ago, I experienced a profound shift in perspective that transformed my personal and professional life. This newfound clarity led to achievements and qualities I hadn’t known before, rooted in the understanding that every expression of a person is a choice. Evaluating the effects of our choices is a subsequent step; the key is recognizing that choices result from complex evaluative processes. If the outcomes are unsatisfactory, we can revise these processes to achieve results closer to our expectations.

The Essence of Choice

Understanding the Power of Choices

Every moment of our existence is a product of choice, whether conscious or unconscious. We constantly decide what to do, say, think, how to be, and what to learn. None of us acts recklessly; rather, we choose to respond to some need, often unconsciously.

The Limitation of Conscious Thought

Research by George Armitage Miller reveals that our conscious minds can handle only a limited number of information “blocks” (between 5 and 9). This limitation helps explain how minor distractions can lead to significant oversights, like forgetting a child in a car.

The Dance of Thoughts

Our thoughts continually oscillate between conscious and unconscious levels. This interplay is crucial for understanding how we make choices and the subsequent consequences.

The Myth of Error: Purpose and Utility

Defining the “System”

A person can be viewed as a system, comprising physiological, cognitive, psychological, and environmental elements. Choices are made by this “person system” based on perceived utility, aiming to fulfill some purpose.

Criteria of Utility

The utility of a choice is influenced by several factors, including energy conservation and the need for simplification. These criteria are subjective and vary from person to person.

Simplification and Energy Conservation

Our brains seek to save energy by simplifying processes, as detailed in Miller’s law. Too many elements to consider simultaneously require excessive glucose, leading to the autonomic nervous system simplifying where it deems necessary.

Neurolinguistic Programming and Choice

The Best Available Choice

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) suggests that individuals make the best available choice at any given time. The variety of options and willingness to invest energy in the choice process influences the quality of decisions.

Influences on Choice Quality

The internal representation of the world, the energy invested, and the criteria of utility are crucial in determining the quality of our choices.

Practical Strategies for Making Better Choices

Simplify Mental Processes

Avoid wasting energy on repetitive thoughts by closing thought cycles with decisions and conclusions.

Prioritize Effectively

Educate your attention to prioritize ideas and thoughts that are most useful in the moment, assigning a later time for less critical matters.

Enhance Self-Awareness

Reflect on your actions and thoughts to ensure they align with your conscious desires and psychological needs. Reorganize if necessary.

Learn and Adapt

Analyze past choices to plan a better future, continually learning from your experiences.

Insights from Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu, who wrote about mentality over 2,500 years ago, offers timeless wisdom:

  • Watch your thoughts; they become words.
  • Watch your words; they become actions.
  • Observe your actions; they become habits.
  • Observe your habits; they become character.
  • Observe your character; it becomes your destiny.


In conclusion, understanding that every moment of our existence is shaped by choices empowers us to take control of our lives. By simplifying our mental processes, prioritizing effectively, enhancing self-awareness, and learning from our experiences, we can make better choices that lead to a fulfilling and successful life.

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