Antifragility serves you a favour

Each of us responds to adversity differently. There are those who react quickly, those who resist, those who adapt, those who protect themselves. To be stronger, ready to change and improve, it is essential to become anti-fragile. To understand the concept of antifragility, it is necessary to define its direct opposite: fragility. A system is…

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UK College of Personal Development – Leadership Seminar

A unique and powerful two day seminar with one of the world’s leading authorities on leadership and Europe’s leading light in Transformative Leadership Coaching on 22nd and 23rd June in Swindon. “Extraordinary results are achieved by individuals and organisations when leaders develop an authentic, visionary style. These leaders create an atmosphere of trust, engagement and…

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Successful Female Leaders

Carina Furlong, a student on our MA Coaching programme is modelling successful female leaders. Having sent her the following article we thought we would share it with you; Women are often appointed leaders of some of the most successful companies in their most critical moments. Some well known examples are: the appointments of the prime…

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