Psychological Safety: The Strategic Role of Failure Management in Modern Workplaces

In today’s rapidly evolving work environment, characterized by constant change and growing complexity, failure is inevitable. Traditionally, failure has been perceived negatively, often leading to the abandonment of projects and ideas. This outdated perception hinders innovation and growth. In my approach to execution, acknowledging the possibility of not achieving set objectives is crucial for any…

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Britain’s Got (graduate) Talent!

I know you’re very excited that Britain’s Got Talent will be back on our screens this Saturday. But this blog is about a kind of talent that you won’t see on stage, probably because watching a talented employee would be incredibly boring… maybe that’s why they go unnoticed! Britain (and come to think of it,…

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In house or external coaching?

The benefits of Executive Coaching are well recognised and proven to deliver significant return on investment and benefits to the bottom line but how should you decide whether to us in house or external coaches. What are the benefits of each and which is right for your organisation? Companies use both external and internal coaches…

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Gadget Show – Giant Tetris

On Channel Five’s The Gadget Show last night the team played a game of giant tetris. We thought it was a brilliant team building exercise, showing the importance of clear and precise communication when working as a team. Enjoy the video here and let us know what you think!

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Are your staff too big for their boots?

I had a conversation with a client where they expressed their frustration at work as their company wouldn’t fund any training for them. As we talked through this it emerged that it was not because the company was lacking funds, or couldn’t spare the employee for that amount of time. The reason the company wouldn’t…

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Making the most of the public sector training budget

Following the cuts, the job-losses and the pay-freezes the public sector is faced with having to continue to provide the same service, with considerably less to offer its staff. However there are things the public sector can do in order to keep their staff motivated and better prepared to handle what lies ahead: Training. A…

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Ten Recruiting Practices to Nuke

By Liz Ryan Downturn notwithstanding, employers are screaming for talented people. Yet you have only to review any large employer’s recruiting process (and those of many smaller shops) to see a mind-numbing list of requirements, protocols, and hoops for job-seekers to jump through. Think that the smartest and most marketable candidates will take their brains…

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