Getting Qualified as a Coach Supervisor with ILM Level 7

Coach Supervision is becoming vital in the professional practice of coaching. Tender documents now ask for supervised coaches and often request a reference from the coach supervisor. 

The CIPD report on coach supervision suggests that coaches and organisers have different views about the benefits of coaching supervision. Coaches are interested in making themselves more effective, while those who organise coaching services put more emphasis on quality assurance.

Coaches see the main benefits of supervision as developing coaching capability (88%) and assuring the quality of their coaching (86%). Only 25% indicate they have supervision because their professional body requires it or because the client organisation requires it (9%). Those who organise coaching, on the other hand, use supervision to monitor coaching quality. this includes protecting the client and minimising the organisational risk of unethical or unprofessional practice. Supervision helps to ensure that coaching is focused on work objectives and within the boundaries of the coach’s capability. they also see coaching supervision as raising coaching standards by continually improving quality and effectiveness.

Those organising supervision for external coaches said that broadening a coach’s understanding of the client and their organisational issues forms an important reason for implementing coach supervision. In the case of internal coaches, benefits include bringing geographically dispersed coaches together to share good practice, improving collaborative working and identifying organisation themes and issues.

This move towards the professionalisation  of Coach Supervision has caused TPS to upgrade our Diploma course to offer the ILM Level 7 qualification. This can be achieved individually with a mentor or by attending the 2 module course, your own supervision, practicing and reflecting on supervising others and completing some reflective assignments. We are already receiving fabulous feedback  and the work being produced by our participants is awe-inspiring. 

One client who attended the first module with Julia last week emailed…

I just wanted to say a HUGE thank-you for the Coach Supervision training you provided Thurs-Sat last week. You were a fantastic trainer, supervisor and coach throughout – I know, personally, how tiring being a facilitator can be. I really enjoyed the opportunity to learn intensively in this way and feel really privileged to have had you as my tutor. 

I came home on a high (even after 3.5 hours on the road!) and the quality of the learning experience has been second to none for me. I’ve got lots of things to do and practise – and, what’s more, the learning’s stuck in a way I don’t think I’ve ever had before immediately after a training programme; whether it was because of the fact that I already knew about some aspects of it to build on, the quality of training, I don’t know – but whatever it was, it worked! It’s also reignited an excitement for me in academic learning – in my commercial, hectic and generally over-busy world, it’s hard to carve out time for such quality learning/reflection but it’s something I’m now inspired to make happen more often. The venue was also really good, with extremely attentive staff. I’m already looking forward to my Part 2 in March! Thank you

Our next ILM Level 7 in Coach and Mentoring Supervision course runs 16-18 February and 30 March to 1 April in Cambridge and we have opened for bookings this week. We take a maximum of 10 participants to ensure individual attention. Alternatively, if you have done some supervision or are an experienced coach or NLP Practitioner,  you can arrange a call with Sally to discuss an individual learning journey through Skype Mentoring and assignments.

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