Getting Qualified as a Coach Supervisor with ILM Level 7

Coach Supervision is becoming vital in the professional practice of coaching. Tender documents now ask for supervised coaches and often request a reference from the coach supervisor.  The CIPD report on coach supervision suggests that coaches and organisers have different views about the benefits of coaching supervision. Coaches are interested in making themselves more effective, while…

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Welcome to students from Lycée D’ARTAGNAN

Welcome to students from Lycée D’ARTAGNAN – Nogaro in The Gers, SW France. Next week they will interview Sally Vanson in English about the similarities and differences of living and also running businesses in UK and France and the cultural differences between France and English speaking countries. They will then write up their answers and…

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Preferences and Project Management

TPS is currently involved in a pan-European project, involving 6 countries, to train 100 people as coaches. It’s a blended learning project with 2 x 5 day face-to-face events in different countries, the development of an e-learning platform, bespoke web site and in depth research and project evaluation through a project team of 18 people.…

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Some thoughts about reflection

Personal development is based on the theory of reflective learning, which emphasises that learning derives from our experiences and can be constantly updated through the process of recording and thinking about the experiences we have. A very important aspect of reflective learning is that it is a process in which we can learn about ourselves.…

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Professional versus entrepreneur

Whether a lawyer, accountant, junior doctor or professional coach, the definition of professional work is transient and depends on the challenges and make-up of the groups and a detailed analysis of professionalism and power. When examining the relationship between professionalism, knowledge, the state, social stratification, organizations, bureaucracy and social power (Abbot, 1988; Hanlon,1993; Macdonald, 1996;…

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Day to day Allignment ….

I spent this morning reading two journals from a professional development organisation. What started off as a curiosity and relaxing half hour with a coffee, quickly became a deeper reflective exercise. There were numerous articles about individuals which read as egotistical narrative CVs. Written with a huge ‘past’ orientation, they were celebrating the contributions of…

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End of an era …

It is with great sadness that we have to announce that having designed, developed and run the only NLP based Masters degree in the world for the last 14 years, we have to say good bye to it. We have had over 400 international graduates through 4 universities, and once again the university and political…

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NLP is not Coaching

I have been reflecting with some strong concerns on the relationship between NLP and Coaching and conclude that NLP is not Coaching, albeit that some NLP techniques can be effectively utilised as part of the Coach’s toolkit. The very nature of coaching is to work with a client from present to future state, and not…

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Thoughts for the start of 2016 …..

As we enter a new year in the complex world in which we live, I am mindful of the amount of stress many of our clients are trying to work through in their professional lives alone, on top of the complications of home challenges and world events. Last year, a client started his coaching session by…

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TPS’s Skype coaching, mentoring and coach supervision service

Following recent concerns about security and travel, within Europe and especially in cities, The Performance Solution has expanded our Skype coaching, mentoring and coach supervision service. Our professionally qualified coaches are now available for Skype appointments and these are being offered at preferential rates to take account of reduced travel time and costs.   Several…

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