Research Projects


The Use of Values in Decision-making by Management within Organisations

Bob KingBy Bob King
The aim of this dissertation of is to understand better the use of values within organisations. How well are values known and to what extent do managers use them as part of organisational, day-to-day decision making? The research involved managers operating in 3 different styles of organisation in the UK. The research was carried out by critically reviewing relevant literature about personal and organisational values and NLP. A methodology was developed centered on semi-structured interviews with volunteers from the 3 organisations and using the NLP derived technique of Clean Questions, Knight (2009), a concept founded on the work of David Grove. Questionnaires were also used, with other managers, asking similar questions.

This research demonstrates that the majority of respondents claim some knowledge and understanding of their personal values. However, the ways in which values are utilised purposefully within organisations is less consistent. Even in those organisations which publicly promote the use of organisational values in decision making, there is an appetite to spend more time developing a common understanding of what they mean.

The research also appears to show a desire to learn more about the background of organisational values.

Successful Irish Female Leaders: Developing a Model of Excellence

Carina FurlongAuthor: Carina Furlong
The primary aim of this research is to understand the differences between females who have succeeded in reaching positions of leadership in their chosen fields in Ireland, and those who have experienced relative success but have struggled to make the step-up to leadership positions. What is the difference that makes the difference with the all too select few who are in senior leadership positions in Ireland? The added value of this research shows how leadership models of excellence attributed to NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) can be used by organizations to support emerging female talent. It offers a perspective as to what drives females into leadership positions. The iWAM assessment was chosen to create a model of excellence of what a female leader’s motivational and attitudinal preferences in Ireland looks like. iWAM was chosen because it is currently one of the most in-depth tests available that can capture the meta programmes an individual runs and offers accurate information as to how and why people do what they do in a work environment.

The research shows that there are significant motivational and attitudinal differences between the two groups and organizations can use this information to help better identify emerging female talent. The quantitative part of the study, together with a critical review of current and relevant literature relating to the female leadership debate, enabled the author to highlight how organizations can support and increase the visibility of females at the senior levels.

An Evaluation of how the iWAM Emotional Intelligence test can be used to achieve improved Customer Service

Denis ColemanAuthor: Denis Coleman
The primary aim of this research is to investigate the possible benefits of applying EI knowledge in the function of CRM. The function of CRM has become clouded over the years and there are regular reports in the media about poor CS. This led the author to raise questions about the motivation of staff working in customer facing roles. The iWAM EQ test was selected as the core EI measure as it is currently one of the most in depth tests available that captures the Metaprogrammes of a client and provides accurate information on how and why people do what they do in a work environment. For the purposes of this project, the research was limited to a range of companies operating in the South East of Ireland. These companies ranged in size from one-man Owner/Manager type organisations to larger companies employing in excess of 50 staff. In order to research the effects of CS and EI across different industries, the selected companies were operating in broadly different industry sectors including Lifestyle, Property Management, IT, Fast Food, Food Manufacturing, Admin Services, Craft and Café. Initially, research was conducted into the current and relevant literature from a variety of publications in order to gauge the current views and approaches to CRM, the customer and EI. The research shows the benefits of increasing the level of focus on the interaction between staff and customers. The new insights that were realised by the participants in this project helped to improve how they view and deal with customers and while further research is required, this initial bridging of the gap between current research and the need for greater focus on the client/customer relationship demonstrates just how important such developments are.

The Hero’s Journey in the Context of Successful Voluntary Mid-Life Career Transitions by Middle-Class Individuals – Modelling Effective Strategies for Following One’s Bliss

Sophie BizuelAuthor: Sophie Bizeul
In this qualitative study, six middle-class individuals, fulfilled and with a high sense of success in their current occupations, were interviewed to explore some of the most salient strategic and psychological determinants that allowed them to voluntarily transition careers in mid-life. Results indicated that most participants:
(a) started considering a career transition as a result of an increasing dissatisfaction with intrinsic values in their departing occupation;
(b) only committed to the transition after some precipitating event(s) launched them onto an exploration path that eventually led them to identify a desirable and realistic alternative career;
(c) relied on a number of internal and external resources in order to deal with the challenges inherent to the transition;
(d) related their transition to an identity shift that was also connected to a sense of purpose; and
(e) measured the completion of their career transition based on intrinsic but also often on extrinsic markers of success, therefore challenging much of the mid-life literature according to which fulfilment in mid-life is primarily a function of satisfaction with intrinsic rewards. Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey model as well as Neuro-Linguistic Programming concepts were used as the modelling framework for describing the process of “following one’s bliss” in the context of work in mid-life.

State management in the context of Executive Coaching

Author: Ugesh Rattay
UgeshThe numbers of coaches from different backgrounds worldwide offering coaching has led to a 2 billion dollar industry (Fillery-Travis & Lane 2006). The Coaching industry is relatively unregulated internationally (Spence, Cavanagh & Grant 2006). The creation of the coaching bodies e.g. International Coaching Federation was to create a basis for what is defined as “professional coaching”. This study explores attitudes concerning State Management within the context of Executive Coaching Qualitative and quantitative exploratory research was undertaken. Ten one-on-one interviews were conducted with qualified coaches and questionnaires were completed by 43/168 Coaches and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioners.

The research has shown that the use of State Management by coaches in an executive coaching context is linked to their attitude towards it.