Partnership Leads to Creation of the Global Coaching & Mentoring Alliance

The Association for Coaching (AC), the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC), and the International Coaching Federation (ICF), have teamed up to create the Global Coaching & Mentoring Alliance designed to advance the professional coaching and mentoring industry. After years of working together, the three organisations have created a formal agreement that declares, “As a…

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So you’re thinking about becoming a coach?

We get phonecalls all the time from people who are interested in becoming coaches and are being told hundreds of different things about what training to go for. Choosing a coach training course is so confusing! To help you make an informed decision about coach training, we have developed an impartial information pamphlet . Wherever…

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Setting the Gold Standard

At The Performance Solution® we are passionate about training coaches who can go out into the world and use their coaching skills alongside the codes of ethics and practice of the major professional bodies in our field. Coaching is being pushed to regulate itself and we are fighting the good fight to make sure that…

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Which Coaching Organisation Should I Use?

There are so many coaching associations out there now that shopping for coaching services or for coach training is becoming a minefield of acronyms. Which organisation should you choose? How can you tell who represents what? How do you know that an accreditation is really worth its salt? To help with this confusion we pinpoint…

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AC Going Global Conference 2010 – Meg Thompson

Last Thursday and Friday, Allan and I attended the Association for Coaching Going global conference as exhibitors. We’d like to thank all the attendees who came for a chat at our stand and joined in with our coaching games. We had some great quotes, jokes and tips from coaches as well as some interesting chats.…

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