Extended Disc


Extended DISC Certification Programme

If you are new to the world of coaching, we recommend that you read this guide before you choose a course.

Why Attend?

Available as a public, 1:1 or in house course.
Extended DISC is a flexible framework for analysing conscious and unconscious behavioural preferences and skills in organisation development, leadership development and communication within the working environment.

There are two modules;
Module 1: Enhancing Individual Performance.
Module 2: Enhancing Team Performance.

This course will give you the skills to understand and feedback Extended DISC reports and use them to improve performance.

Who is it for?
Trainers, consultants, coaches, HR Professionals and Line Managers

Module 1: Enhancing Individual Performance
Learning how Extended DISC Personal Analysis can be used to help individuals to really understand their own behavioural preferences, how these impact their interactions with others and their own personal performance. Information and practice of how to interpret and feedback the analysis reports.

Module 2: Enhancing Team Performance
Thorough understanding of four complementary team tools in the Extended DISC system, and how and when to use them to significantly improve team performance. Information and practice of how to interpret and feed back the various team analysis reports.


Module 1: Enhancing Individual Performance
You will gain an overview of the Extended DISC system, become comfortable in using and interpreting the Personal Analysis reports, conducting various training and development activities that focus on personal insight and performance improvement.

You will learn what to probe for when exploring the implications of different profiles so individuals get the most out of their feedback sessions. Learn how to use Extended DISC in coaching in training and development programmes, in recruitment and selection and as an organisational diagnostic.

Module 2: Enhancing Team Performance
You will gain an overview of issues to consider in team building and team development sessions, together with some tools around which to build a framework of activities. You will become comfortable in using and interpreting the Extended DISC team tools, and consider how they can be used to develop both personal effectiveness and productive team working. Learn how to use Extended DISC Work Pairs Analysis to improve relationships or deflect conflict between colleagues or bosses.

Team Analysis maps the self assessment of each team member on the Extended DISC diamond and can be used to review team strengths and weaknesses and how the team communicates with each other.

Team Assessment 360 is a report for a team member (often the manager) on how the team experiences their preferred style and how the team would prefer the individual to behave.

Team Alignment is a gap analysis between current and desired team performance and measures how well the team is operating as a unit and what the team development needs are.

If you are ready to book your place simply add the course below to your basket in order to check out. You can make payment by bank transfer, cheque or via our online payment gateway.