Clean Cards Journey


These exquisite cards are used as perfect support and accompaniment for coaching and personal development enabling a natural and creative journey, by using the Symbolic Modelling process and the Clean Language of David Grove. The cards are beautiful, inspiring photographs of nature.

The client or explorer, here called a Walker, is invited, accompanied by their Guide, to discover new pathways and different roads in their inner landscape, to journey and:

  • meet their inner processes of perceiving, thinking and feeling
  • gain new clarity and awareness of how they are currently living their life
  • receive unexpected insights into what they really want
  • release old perceptions and in their own way, develop new ones
  • participate in their own creativity through experiential and non-linear processes
  • reorganize their thinking and feeling about the next steps in their life

These cards are called Clean Cards because they come with no interpretation attached to them.

The questions come from David Grove’s Clean Language. David Grove was a therapist from New Zealand who found that by using the client’s exact words, the client was enabled to change their own perceptions providing the questions they were asked were free of interpretation and distortion without a facilitator’s interpretation. This enables self-organising systems to unfold.

A typical Clean Cards discovery session lasts 2.5 hrs